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Behavioral Health
Anxiety disorders
Bleeding, Coagulation Disorders, and Thrombosis
Disorders originating in infancy/childhood
Eating disorders and impulse-control disorders
Factitious disorders
Haematological Malignancies and Related Disorders
Mood disorders
Personality disorders
Psychosocial disorders/behaviors
Psychotic disorders
Sexual disorders and gender dysphoria
Somatic symptoms and related disorders
Substance use disorders
Biostatistics, Epidemiology / Population Health
Epidemiology/population health
Blood & Lymphoreticular System
Adverse effects of drugs on the hematologic and lymphoreticular systems
Anemia, cytopenias, and polycythemia anemias
Blood & Lymphoreticular Neoplasms
Coagulation disorders (hypocoagulable and hypercoagulable conditions)
Infectious and inflammatory disorders
Traumatic, mechanical, and vascular disorders
Cardiovascular System
Adverse effects of drugs on the cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular Neoplasms
Congenital cardiac disorders, including disease in adults
Diseases of the myocardium
Diseases of the pericardium
Heart failure
Infectious and inflammatory disorders affecting the cardiovascular system
Ischemic heart disease
Traumatic and mechanical disorders (cardiac)
Valvular heart disease
Vascular disorders
Endocrine System
Adrenal disorders
Adverse effects of drugs on the endocrine system
Congenital disorders of the endocrine system
Diabetes mellitus and other disorders of the endocrine pancreas
Hypothalamic endocrine disorders
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN1, MEN2)
Parathyroid disorders
Pituitary disorders
Thyroid disorders
Female and Transgender Reproductive System & Breast
Adverse effects of drugs on the female reproductive system and breast
Congenital disorders affecting the female reproductive system
Fertility and infertility
Infectious and inflammatory disorders of the female reproductive system
Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders of the female reproductive system
Menstrual and endocrine disorders
Neoplasms of the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, or ovaries
Sexual dysfunction
Traumatic and mechanical disorders affecting the female reproductive system
Gastrointestinal System
Adverse effects of drugs on the gastrointestinal system
Congenital disorders affecting the gastriointestinal system
Disorders of the liver and biliary system, noninfectious
Disorders of the oral cavity, salivary glands, and esophagus
Disorders of the pancreas
Disorders of the peritoneal cavity
Disorders of the stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, anus
Infectious and inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal system
Neoplasms of the gastrointestinal system
Signs, symptoms, and ill-defined disorders of the gastrointestinal system
Traumatic and mechanical disorders affecting the gastrointestinal system
Human Development
Adolescence (13–17 years)
Adulthood (18–64 years)
Infancy and childhood (0–12 years)
Older Adulthood (65 years and older)
Immune System
Adverse effects of drugs on the immune system
Disorders associated with immunodeficiency
Immunologically mediated disorders
Male and Transgender Reproductive System
Adverse effects of drugs on the male reproductive system;
Congenital disorders of the male reproductive system
Infectious and inflammatory disorders of the male reproductive system
Metabolic and regulatory disorders, including sexual dysfunction
Neoplasms of the male reproductive system
Traumatic and mechanical disorders of the male reproductive system
Multisystem Processes & Disorders
Abuse and safeguarding
Adverse effects of drugs on multisystem disorders
Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance disorders
Genetic, metabolic, and developmental disorders
Multiple trauma
Multisystem infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
Multisystem neoplasms and related disorders
Multisystem signs, symptoms, and ill-defined disorders
Structural protein disorders
Toxins and environmental extremes
Venomous bites and stings
Musculoskeletal System
Adverse effects of drugs on the musculoskeletal system
Congenital disorders
Degenerative and metabolic disorders
Infectious and inflammatory disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system
Musculoskeletal Neoplasms
Traumatic and mechanical disorders (musculoskeletal)
Nervous System & Special Senses
Adverse effects of drugs on the nervous system
Cerebrovascular disease
Congenital disorders
Cranial and peripheral nerve disorders
Degenerative disorders/amnestic syndromes
Disorders of the ear
Disorders of the eye and eyelid
Disorders relating to the spine, spinal cord, and spinal nerve roots
Global cerebral dysfunction
Metabolic disorders
Movement disorders
Neoplasms (cerebral, spinal, and peripheral)
Neurologic pain syndromes
Neurological infectious and inflammatory disorders
Neuromuscular disorders
Paroxysmal disorders
Sleep disorders
Traumatic and mechanical disorders affecting the nervous system
Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium
Adverse effects of drugs on pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
Labor and delivery
Newborn (birth to 4 weeks of age)
Obstetric complications
Prenatal care
Puerperium, including complications
Systemic disorders affecting pregnancy, labor and delivery, and puerperium
Renal & Urinary System
Adverse effects of drugs on the renal and urinary system
Congenital disorders of the renal system
Infectious and inflammatory disorders affecting the renal system
Metabolic and regulatory disorders affecting the renal system
Neoplasms of the renal system
Signs, symptoms, and ill-defined disorders of the renal system
Traumatic and mechanical disorders affecting the renal system
Vascular disorders affecting the renal system
Respiratory System
Adverse effects of drugs on the respiratory system
Congenital disorders of the respiratory system
Disorders of the pleura, mediastinum, and chest wall
Metabolic, regulatory, and structural disorders of the respiratory system
Obstructive airway disease
Pneumoconiosis/fibrosing/restrictive pulmonary disorders/interstitial lung disease
Respiratory failure/respiratory arrest and pulmonary vascular disorders
Respiratory infectious and inflammatory disorders
Respiratory neoplasms
Traumatic and mechanical disorders (respiratory system)
Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue
Adverse effects of drugs on skin and subcutaneous tissue
Congenital disorders
Cutaneous infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
Cutaneous Neoplasms
Disorders of pigmentation
Integumentary disorders (hair and hair follicles, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, oral mucous membranes)
Oral disease
Traumatic and mechanical disorders affecting the skin
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