
FOXGRAD is a revision aid for those aiming to pass professional examinations.

We offer subscriptions to online question banks which include practice questions for professional examinations. You can see a full list of subscriptions here.

You can read our terms and conditions here. You can read our privacy policy here.


If you wish to contact us about any of the above you can submit a message on to us here or email us at

Quiz Sample

Try a sample of questions:
Start sample

We offer the option for you to take a free sample of questions (for any resource). It is not necessary to make an account; simply click the link available on the home page, or here. Sample questions are always the same, and the score isn't recorded whilst you do the questions.

Quiz Setup

Start a quiz with all categories, or select a custom list of categories below.

You can choose to start a quiz with all topic categories, or you can start a quiz with a customised selection of topics from the drop down selection on the page. You must be logged in, with an active subscription, in order to access our resources.

Qs done: 14,
Score: 66.0%
Heart Failure
Qs done: 4,
Score: 71.0%
Ischaemic Heart Disease
Qs done: 6,
Score: 64.0%
Qs done: 4,
Score: 59.0%
Qs done: 9,
Score: 71.0%
Qs done: 9,
Score: 71.0%
Qs done: 11,
Score: 43.0%
Type 1
Qs done: 6,
Score: 44.0%
Type 2
Qs done: 5,
Score: 41.0%

All questions are categorised into groups of topics depending on the syllabus for that resource. In the drop down menu, you can see the available categories, and select which you would like to include in a customised quiz. If you have an active subscription and have completed several questions already, you can see your score by category here. This allows you to focus on topics that you feel need more attention.

Quiz Sidebar Navigation Menu

Once a quiz has been started, a blue header at the top of the page will indicate that it is active, and a quiz menu sidebar will become available with quiz information and options. The quiz menu can be toggled with a button on the header.

Your Favourite Exam
Score: 72.5%
Menupie Chart
Questions attempted: 109
Time taken: 1 hr, 12 min

The quiz sidebar shows your progress including current score, questions attempted, and time taken. It also lists all topics selected for the quiz.

Single Best Answer Questions

We offer questions in a single best answer format. This means that within each question you will be presented with a question stem and five options. You must select one option which you believe is the 'best' answer to the question. The other options may or may not be correct answers to the question but are nonetheless less suitable or less correct answers to the question stem.

A 50-year-old man presents to the clinic with complaints of fatigue, weakness, and dizziness for the past few months. He has a history of Crohn's disease. On examination, he has pale conjunctiva and glossitis. His lab results show a haemoglobin of 90 g/L, MCV of 70 fl, serum ferritin of 15 ng/mL, and serum iron of 25 µg/dL. Based on the patient's history, clinical findings, and lab results, what is the most likely cause of his anaemia?

After answering a question feedback about your selection is given, as well as information about why one answer is a more suitable answer to the question than the other options available.

You can use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the quiz to move to the next question, or return to a previously answered question to review your answer and the information given.

Ending a Quiz

Once you have decided to end your current quiz (or have completed the number of questions you selected in the settings) you can end the quiz and go to the summary page by clicking 'end and review' from the options in the quiz sidebar. Once you have chosen to end a quiz, you cannot return to answering questions within it (you must start a new quiz).

Quiz Summary: Rose Chart (categories)

On the summary page, you can view your progress across each category, either in the most recently completed quiz, or globally.

Score by category
Number of categories done: 8
CategoryAttemptsScoreAll user score
Cardiology7 59.0%
Respiratory14 14.0%
Diabetes22 44.0%
Gastroenterology4 60.0%
Surgery2 50.0%
Psychiatry3 33.0%
Neurology8 44.0%
Pharmacology19 77.0%
Score by category

The segments of the rose chart each correspond with question attempts in a particular category. Like a pie chart, the width of the segment indicates the number of question attempts in that category. A narrow segment suggests a topic that you have answered fewer questions in. A wide segment would correspond to one where you have answered (relatively) more questions.

The height of each segment indicates your score in that category. A tall segment indicates a good score, a short segment indicates a lower score.

The line overlying your segments highlights the global average score, across all users, for each category.

So you should focus your attention on the short narrow segments, particularly if your segment is below the line.

Quiz Summary: User Ranking

Score ranking

On the summary page, you can view a graph showing a distribution of overall score against the number of users, allowing you to compare your progress to other users answering the same questions. Your score is highlighted in the distribution, as well as the 25th, 50th and 75th quartiles.

Quiz Summary: Daily Progress

Question attempts
Correct answers
Incorrect answers

On the summary page, you can view your progress over the previous 90 days. The green bar indicates questions correctly answered, the red bar indicates incorrect attempts. The total height of the bar corresponds with the total number of questions answered.